Friday, 5 February 2010

Filming almost done (04.02.10)

The filming is almost done. We have filmed the entire scene in the house and almost the entire tutoring scene. We are going to finish the toturing scene today duering lunch break. We could not finish it yestday, because our lunchbreak wasn't long enough. We are going to start editing on Monday (08.02.10).

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The filming is again delayed (03.02.10)

The filming is again delayed. We are going to film the torturing scene, tomorrow in the work room of the Leeman's house, istead of in the theatre, because it will be easier for us to get a permission for filming in the work room than for filming in the theatre.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The filming is going to start! (02.02.10)

The filmimg was delayed, because some actors of the cast have been ill or not in school. We are now going to start filming tomorrow (02.02.10). We are going to get the permission to film in the theatre. We need to get the permission signed by Mr. Collins (head of sixform) as well as by Mrs. Bannister (head of drama).